Findlay, US-OH
Monday June 23–Friday June 27 from 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Listen! Can you hear a howler monkey screeching and insects buzzing? Look! Do you see a sloth hanging from a tree and a jaguar crouching, ready to pounce? Smell! Is that the aroma of tropical flowers wafting through the air? Touch! Do you feel soft grass under your feet and gentle rain on your skin? Taste! Is that delicious milk from a coconut and exotic spices from the rainforest? Join us in a world of wonder that will delight our senses while captivating our hearts and minds at The Great Jungle Journey: An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation.
At The Great Jungle Journey, you'll marvel at the unforgettable wildlife of tropical rainforests while exploring several key events in history, including Creation, the Fall of mankind, Christ and the Cross, and finally, what is God going to do in the last days. If your child is going into Preschool or Kindergarten, their day will finish at 12:00 PM. If your child is going into grades 1-6, they are welcome to remain with us until 3:00 PM.
A few highlights of the week include:
- Lunch provided daily (if you are staying the entire day)
- Daily music time and game time
- Thursday wacky water day (weather permitting); Come ready to get wet!
- Friday closing ceremony at 2:30 PM in our main auditorium. We hope Mom and Dad can come!
If you have any questions, please contact us! You can reach us at office@cbcfindlay.org, or by calling 419-422-6842.
Brad Wiggs, Director of Children's Ministries, Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist Church—2000 Broad Ave., Findlay, US-OH 45840